The Aura - the Subtile Body
Quantum physics describes the universe as energy, with energy and matter interchangeable. Psychology, Eastern therapy, and complementary medicine all have terms for life as energy. The aura can be viewed as an energy field surrounding the body, interacting through spiritual and psychological levels via structures called chakras. In other words the aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body and is discernible to those of psychical sight.
The 7 main chakras have their origin in the physical body but they also exist in all the layers of the aura. The speed and vibration level of the energy is increased with each level. One can say that the human consciousness is manifested on 7 levels or in the 7 layers that is the aura.
How Reiki affects the aura
Before a Reiki attunement a persons aura might normally only extend a few decimeters outside the persons body. The attunement strengthens the aura and gives a permanent aura of about 2 -3 meters. At the same time the consciousness, the inner strength and the ability to intuitively see what needs to be changed in order to achieve maximum health is increased. Through the Reiki attunement and the strengthening of the aura you get the tool to take control over your life and development.
During a Reiki treatment not only the organs and the energy flow within the body are affect but also the different bodies of the aura are affected. When using distance healing or the mental/emotional symbol the aura seems to be more affected than the actual organs in the body.
The different layers/bodies in the aura
The Physical body, is the most tangible manifestation of our consciousness. Its function is to be here and now, to be conscious of what we do: walking when walking, eating when eating etc. We all know the fears of the physical body - sickness, aging and death.
The Etheric body, is a thin invisible layer, approx. 2 cm thick, around the physical body. This is where the energy is reflected when it flows through meridians and chakras. The etheric body or double acts as a template for the physical body and appears as an energy matrix. It is described in Chinese medicine as meridians that transmit chi (ki) through the body. Consciousness is expressed in terms of sensations like physical pleasure or pain.
Many of our dreams can be found in the etheric body. With the aid of mantras, symbols, essence etc. one can affect the function of this part of the aura.
Connected to the Root chakra.
The third body is the Emotional body. The emotional body is egg shaped and contains the other 2. This body reflects the feelings and emotions we have. Emotions like happiness, hope, love, anger, sorrow, hate are all found here. The emotional body is also connected to our past which can cause problems. The body is laced with wishes and desires from the past and this can cause tensions. It is important to learn how to handle different emotions during a day, the risk is otherwise that they become suppressed and stored in the emotional body and can later be the cause of blockages and disturbances leading to medical problems.
Connected to the Navel chakra.
The Mental body's function is to teach us self knowledge. The mental body as it's name implies reflects the conscious mind, logic, intellect and active thinking.
We shape our reality with our minds. Our mind is the constructor, the builder. It reflects our ability through which we develop our learning and personality. Mental heath or mental illness is reflected in this level.
Connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra.
The Astral body. Unconditional love. Connected to the Heart chakra. The astral aura is the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual realm.
The Etheric Template body (divine will) can be identified with memory and our thought processes. Here all our memories, forgotten, remembered or pushed away, are mirrored. The Etheric Template also stores the present and all the possible futures.
Connected to the Throat chakra.
The Celestial body mirrors the subconscious mind that is a part of the inactive part of our brain. By listening to your subconscious, your intuition, you can make your journey through life more simple and rewarding. Consciousness expresses itself as higher feelings like universal love; love that goes beyond human beings and friends into a universal love for all life.
Connected to the Third eye chakra.
The Causal body (Ketheric Template) is the last body. The energies in this body spins with a very high frequency. This is where the soul communicates with the conscious mind via the subconscious mind in the mental body. Consciousness is expressed in higher concepts of knowing or belief systems. This is where the initial creative impulse begins; not just linear knowing, but integrated knowing.
Connected to the Crown chakra.
Well, my friend, the truth of our true nature is still buried under the layer of scientific ignorance, the will of most people to express themselves thru material possessions and the desire to dominate.
In short - our Ego rules.
However, by now - or even long time ago - you know it better. If you didn't join our community by now - please - we need you as an active member in our quest to spiritual evolution.
I know it - because you read this.