Would You Like To Awaken Your True Spiritual Essence
In 3 Easy Steps?

And More Importantly Helping Yourself
to Embrace Your Spiritual Birthright!

Not only is Lavender Healing aligning and integrating all your bodies—physical, emotional, causal, mental, and intuitive, but also has great transformation power.
As your physical and subtle bodies move toward alignment and greater cooperation, they become more aware of each other.
This increased awareness further improves alignment and enhances the flow of life energy throughout your entire being.

Practitioners of Lavender Reiki believe that this power of the universal life force radiates into your entire aura.

Quan Yin’s Lavender Flame Reiki  is a powerful yet gentle healing modality which can be used alongside Reiki or any other means of energy healing.

Quan Yin is the Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and one of the most beloved deities in the Buddhist tradition. She is also known as Kuan Yin, Quan’Am, and Quan Yin. Kwan Yin is very similar to mother Mary, bestowing her wisdom, motherly love, and healing to anybody who seeks her.

As the Goddess of Compassion, Kwan Yin helps you become a compassionate healer.

Through your heart-the seat of compassion-Kwan Yin guides you in healing yourself and others. Let her beautiful energy envelope you along your journey.


Lavender Reiki contains of                        three types of healing energies:

  • The first are the energies that come from purple. All of the energies sourced from Violet have something to do with
    transformation and transmutation.
  • The second power is Amythyst where you are guided into more  purification
    or divine alchemy.

  • The third type of healing energy is
    Lavender where you discover your True Spiritual Essence in life.

All three of these energies are important. This combination is
perfect for these forms of healing.

The Lavender Flame of Quan Yin is a gentler version of the Violet Flame. It has a nurturing aspect and a definite feminine feel and brings a sense of peace and mercy. Lavender is often used when Violet seems too strong for us, and its energy is associated with transformation, transmutation and purification.

The Lavender Flame Reiki deals with purification, soothing away negative energies, slowly purifying your energy fields and bringing you back to balance; clearing the unwanted blocks you have put up as the result of social conditioning and turning your experiences back into the Light.

Lavender embraces us, nurturing away our traumas like a mother’s love. Lavender lovingly teaches us like our mother would, that it is perfectly ok to be gentle and nurturing with ourselves, that nothing is to be gained by being extreme; and that we are perfect as we are, a precious Child of God.

The Lavender Reiki includes:

  • Lavender Flame Reiki distance attunement
  •  Lavender Flame Reiki  Certificate
  • Lavender Flame  Meditation Music #45 min.Meditation music
  • Lavender Flame Reiki Manual with attunement process
  • Includes my 4P Healing and Transformation Process
  • Lavender Flame Necklace for Both Women and Men ($42 Value)

You will get this initiation PLUS the Bonus Necklace Below
For a limited time  for ONLY $39 USD
(special GROUP offer: 50% OFF)

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