Who Else Will Rise Above Life’s Challenges And Circumstances Whether This Is Financial,
Relationships,and Health?




Since ancient times, the Phoenix has been considered a magical sun bird.

Associated with the sun Gods, the Phoenix will catch fire at the end of its life only to return rising from the Ashes being reborn again to fly to the sun.

Therefore, the Phoenix is a bird that comes from the power of the Sun, fire and air, and represents purification as well as rebirth and transformation.  

The actual colors of power are red and yellow.  

The Phoenix Rising Reiki system works with these colors and the elements for visualization in focusing or directing the energies to clear negativity and infuse courage, strength, endurance...

And rising above life’s challenges.

The Phoenix Rising attunement will burn away any negative thought patterns you have acquired during this lifetime and past lifetimes that are no longer needed.

Through the Attunement these Negative Thought Patterns are released to be transformed into positive energies.

By letting go of these negative thought forms, you can then begin to allow the positive things that the Universe wants to manifest into your Life.

You can see exceptional results by using the Transformation Power of the Phoenix.

Here is one person's experience of the benefits
of Phonix Rising:

"I could feel the transforming power of the Phoenix very clearly.

I came also in contact with other spirit  guides who transmitted love and joy to me. 

Thank you for your magnificant healing opportunities. It has made a big difference in my life"

How Does The Healing Work?

You will receice ONE Symbol with this attunement.

When you receive the attunement to the Phoenix Energies, the above Phoenix Rising symbol in color will be placed within your heart Chakra by the Phoenix.  

You will feel/sense the energy of the Phoenix and the Universal Love it carries as it is placed into your heart chakra.  

Whenever you have something you need to clear, draw this symbol either mentally (3rd Eye) or on a Piece of paper making it very clear what you want to get rid of and INTEND that this situation is healed.  

This will work to clear and release negative thought forms so the situation can then be healed.

This can be used for all sorts of illness, a broken love relationship, lack and limitation, debts, etc. – it releases and heals fears and doubts associated with the situation.  

After a period of releasing (which could take several days or longer depending on the situation), you will begin to see the situation improving.  

The Phoenix Rising Reiki is a healing Reiki system that works to heal any situation.  

Remember that all of us are whole, perfect, and complete and we must clear the negative thought forms in order to receive the blessings of the Universe that we are meant to.


  • Clear negativity from your energies and energy bodies.
  • Energetic realignment.
  • Energetic balancing and restoration.
  • Energy body repair and strengthening.
  • Speak your truth with love and kindness.
  • Establish firm boundaries in life.
  • Be in the right place at the right time.
  • Awareness of how negativity is created in your life.
  • Life path reevaluation.
  • Live with purpose.
  • Let go of the past.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Spiritual insights and awareness.
  • Enlightment
  • Raise your vibration.
  • Move forward.
  • Increase personal power.

The Phoenix Rising Reiki includes:

  • Phoenix Rising Reiki Attunement (ONE Symbol included)

  • Phoenix Rising Certificate

  • Phoenix Rising Meditation (45 min.Clearing Audio)

  • Phoenix Rising Reiki Manual with attunement process

  • Phoenix Animal Guides and Totem Animals Guide Included

You will get this initiation for a limited time
 for Only $39 USD (special offer: 50 % OFF)

Included as a FREE BONUS Is this Phoenix Rising Sun Catcher Crystal.

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