Welcome to your Personal Healing Session Today.
The energy of this healing is encoded into this image. To receive the energy, you will do the following:
Step1: Say mentally “I align with the Powers Of Light and my ‘Higher Self’ – NOW.
I ask that the following Energy will be integrated in my energy field with
ease and grace in that moment of time.”
(Then give the command ALIGN - ENTER and feel your focus quickly and easily moving upward your spinal column from the base of your spine, up and out the top of your head. It should take no more than a second or two)

Step 2: Say Mentally or Loud:
I AM Clearing, Healing and
Releasing Fears and Negative Life Experiences NOW! !
Then look at the center of the image and mentally say 'I ACCEPT myself and create peace in my mind
and heart' and...
(Then give the command ALIGN - ENTER and feel your focus quickly and easily moving upward your spinal column from the base of your spine, up and out the top of your head. It should take no more than a second or two)
The energy will be transfered to you.
Then look at the image for just 2 minutes. Don't do anything else. Just let the healing energy take you & work its magic. Then, re-rate the level of intensity of any "fears & problems"
and notice it's lower and you feel lighter.
LECTURE: How to heal Fears?
Here are the best ways to get started:
Fear is becoming rampant on the planet. We can see it every day in the news. Fear is a lack of trust in ourselves, and because of this, we don’t trust Life. We don’t trust that we’re being taken care of on a higher level, so we feel we must control everything from the physical level. Obviously, we’re going to feel fear because we can’t control everything in our lives.
Trust is what we learn when we want to overcome our fears. It’s called “taking a leap of faith” and trusting in the Power within that’s connected to Universal Intelligence. Remember, the Power that supplies our breath is the same Power that created the Universe.
You’re one with all of Life. The more you know how to love yourself and trust Life, the more that Life will love you, support you, and guide you. You can trust in that which is invisible, instead of trusting only in the physical, material world. I’m not saying that we do nothing, yet if we have trust, we can go through life much easier. We need to trust that we’re being taken care of, even though we’re not physically in control of everything that’s happening around us.
At any moment you have the opportunity of choosing love or fear.
In moments of fear, I remember the sun. It’s always shining even though clouds may obscure it for a while. Like the sun, the One Infinite Power is eternally shining its light upon me, even though clouds of negative thinking may temporarily obscure it. I choose to remember the Light. And you can, too. Feel secure in the Light. When the fears come, choose to see them as passing clouds in the sky, and let them go on their way.
Affirm: I am not my fears. It is safe for me to live without guarding and defending myself all the time. When I feel afraid, I open my heart and let the love dissolve the fear.
Love is the opposite of fear. The more we’re willing to love and trust who we are, the more we attract those qualities to ourselves. When we’re on a streak of really being frightened or upset or worried or not liking ourselves, isn’t it amazing how everything goes wrong in our lives? It’s the same when we really love ourselves. Everything starts to go on a winning streak, and we get the green lights and the parking spaces. We get up in the morning and the day flows beautifully.
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