Would You Like To Attain Increased Vitality, Well-Being And Spiritual Maturity
Right Now?

Then you need to shift your focus on your...

**Chakra Set Up**

This is an aspect most people know but don't address carefully!

A lot of practitioners and spiritually interested are always looking to support their energy hygiene practices and healing and self-development goals.

Unfortunately, many 'regular' solutions take only one or another part as the main aspect of chakra work and healing.

But NOW, There is an Solution that can solve all in once.

It is Your ALL in ONE Chakra Maintenance System.

Why are chakras so important?

To quickly recap what chakras are and what they do.....

Chakras are a subtle energy system. It is the unseen expression of you in energy. When I say energy, I mean your vibration and your energetic output.

We are energetic and electric beings that send  signals and frequencies out on a second-to-second basis. One of the most basic and subtle energy systems is called your chakras, which are major energy points in the body.

There are 7 of them, starting from the base of your spine to....

....the top of your head.

(There are even more but we only cover the basic set up by now.)

The maintenance of the heath of your chakras contributes to your overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. If there are overactive or under-active chakras (energy is not flowing harmoniously through them) then this can result in illness.

When things in your life are out of whack, your chakras express this unbalance energetically.


Healing requires you to bring your chakras back to resonance with wholeness.

What Can You Use This Powerful Chakra Maintenance System For?


The Chakra Maintenance Attunement contains the following functions:

Chakra Maintenance

The Chakra Maintenance function activates all the functions listed and includes energies that are specific for your energy signatures for a general and thorough energetic maintenance of all your chakras.

Chakra Clearing

The Chakra Clearing function provides a way of clearing non-serving energies and blockages from all your chakras, or it can be used on specific chakras as required.

Chakra Repair

The Chakra Repair function provides a tool that can be used to repair any structural issues with your chakras and return them to optimal functioning. You can use this function in a general sense on all chakras or individual chakras as required.

Chakra Cord Cutting

The Chakra Cord Cutting function allows you to cut and remove any etheric cords that are attached into or between your chakras. The energies also provide a chakra cord shield which aims to prevent chakra cords from reattaching again. You can use this function in a general sense on all chakras or individual chakras as required.

Chakra Frequency

The Chakra Frequency function allows you to reset the frequency of your chakras to their most optimal frequency for their functioning and overall vitality at that time. You can use this function in a general sense to reset the frequencies of all your chakras or focus on one particular chakra if required.

Chakra Dimensions

The Chakra Dimensions function allows you to bring all of your chakra energy back into this dimension. This is especially useful after astral projection, lucid dreaming etc. or to balance energies between concurrent timelines. You can use this function in a general sense for all chakras or focus on a specific chakra if required.

Chakra Karma

The Chakra Karma function can be used to clear stubborn non-serving karmic cycles. Often by clearing karma through the chakras, you may be able to bring about a deeper karmic clearing. It is best to use this function in a general sense on all chakras.

Due to the open-ended nature of the energies provided in this attunement, there is potential for new functions to reveal themselves to you that are specific to you and your needs.

Once you let your Chakra Tool unfold its Divine Power...

Then you are ready for an overall healing and protection from all negativity & adversities  and reach your goals in 2019.

To reach all your desirable goals, you will be able to receive:  

  • An Open-ended attunement that keeps working as you grow and develop.
  • Optimal chakra function.
  • Chakra clearing tool.
  • Repair chakra structure.
  • Chakra cord cutting.
  • Enhanced energetic protection and healing work.
  • Inter-dimensional support and balancing.
  • Energy hygiene tool and support.
  • Clearing of stubborn karmic cycles.
  • Increased vitality, well-being and spiritual grounding
  • Self-empowerment and personal development support. 

"The effect of this Chakra System is working great. I am happy with the results as I am feeling more happy and grounded by now. Thanks again for this great tool Tom."

- Beth, NYC

Your Personal Chakra Tool includes:

  • Chakra Maintenance Attunement
  • Chakra Maintenance Manual

  • Chakra Maintenance Certificate

  • All 7 Chakras Healing Audio (1hr.)
    (This is a $49 BONUS Healing Session)
  • You will have your own Healing Space
  • Can be used & repeated lifetime



Included As Your Free BONUS Is This Blessed
7 PCS Chakra Healing Set (VALUE 68$ USD)

Get Your Chakra Healing Tool & Gift for

50% Discount Today!


I want to thank you for spending your time reading about this Amazing Chakra Healing Tool which is a High Frequency Gift for you. As always - your intention is the key, and as long as you  bring your chakras in resonance with your soul purpose you are on the right path to wholeness.

I wish that you'll receive the benefits of this Divine Healing Power Today.

In Lak'ech,

T : O M

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